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Welcome to GASD's Food Services Department

Our Mission:

The Food Services Department at GASD is committed to child nutrition by offering a balanced and creative menu program in a clean and welcoming environment. We are focused on procuring quality ingredients that are cost-efficient and adhere to the standards of the PA School Nutrition Program and USDA. We use the following principles and values to demonstrate our commitment to our mission:

  • Professionalism
  • Responsibility
  • Collaboration
  • Transparency
  • Innovation
The Gettysburg Area School District participates in the National School Breakfast and National School Lunch Programs. All school meals must meet Federal meal requirements and the latest Dietary Guidelines. The Healthy Hunger Free Act of 2010 updated breakfast and lunch meal patterns to include more whole grains, more fruits and vegetables, and less sodium. All students are required to take a fruit or vegetable with their meal. Breakfast and lunch are served in all buildings every day and are open to all students. Children who want to eat breakfast should go directly to the cafeteria when they arrive at school in the morning.

Nick Milone
Food Service Director
717-334-6254 ext. 1279

Tammy Signor
Food Services Secretary
717-334-6254 ext. 1204