The GASD Curriculum Cycle is a five-phase process that includes:
- Study and Research
- Gap Analysis/Curriculum Alignment
- Curriculum Writing
- Pilot/Implementation
- Implementation/Evaluation/Revise
In the 2019-2020 school year, we adopted the Understanding by Design (UbD) curriculum writing model and began implementing it with our math, science, and English departments. Our work was abruptly interrupted in 2020 due to the impact of the pandemic. Our efforts were redirected toward designing a hybrid and blended learning environment while managing temporary school closures. Work typically conducted by teachers in the summer was delayed and our inability to secure substitutes prohibited us from continuing our efforts during the 2020-21 school year. Work has continued since the summer of 2021 and we look forward to the continual work during the summer and the planned professional learning days this school year. Completed UbD curriculum maps will be presented to the board of school directors for approval.
Current Learning maps, curricular resources, national and state standards-aligned documents guide the teachers’ lesson plans and instruction. These documents are contained in files by department and grade level. The contents of the files vary as we transition to the UbD curriculum maps. If you have any questions about the contents please direct them to my attention