South Central Community Action Programs work with families; striving to help them meet their goals and become successful. They work toward breaking the cycle of poverty through various programs/initiatives focused on empowering and engaging individuals, families and community members. Some of their programs include:
Family and Asset Development Programs
These programs work with the family to design effective interventions or changes that can help the family build long term stability. All programs except Weatherization include case management and ongoing support to assist the family in setting and meeting their goals.
Weatherization involved a comprehensive assessment of a home's energy usage efficiency and follows evidence-based protocols to improve energy usage for the family.
Education and Employment Programs
These programs support a family as they work to build their skills, obtain employment and then advance in their careers. Whether an individual needs to develop soft skills or hard skills and education or a family needs the very tangible support of quality early learning programs for their children so they can work, SCCAP can assist them on their journey to a livable wage for their family.
Health and Nutrition Programs
It is hard to focus on developing an effective future story if you or your children are hungry. These programs work to meet the very basic needs of a family - access to healthy food.